
Turned up for a day driving a recycling lorry, waited for 2 hours before anyone started to dish out the work and was asked with 2 others to go and look over a lorry. The guidance tour lasted about 10 minutes, a quick show of the cab with a very brief overview of the 'computer' and then a quick look around the outside. Now I’m not a one to pick faults but this time I decided to voice my opinion when the chappie asked if there were any questions before going out 'on the road'. He didn't mention or show how to 'drop' the lorry for tipping and how to tip at the land fill site. The crew will let you know if you're doing it wrong. Correct me if I’m wrong but surely the driver should be shown how all the 'bits and pieces' work and be given the chance to see how they work for real before driving it on the road and using it. I decided that as I wasn't trained sufficiently on the equipment I would not do the job and went home.

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