
Never been keen on these Umbrella companies but as more agencies seem to be turning to them to pay us I had no choice but to sign up with one. The usual thing is that when the time sheet is in on Monday the pay is in on Friday (morning), oh no not with this one. Had to call and find out what is going on with my pay, not so sure as we haven't received any money to pay you, was the reply. Not the answer that I really wanted to hear, so told them they have till 2pm to sort things out and pay me. At the same time I informed the agency that I am pulling out from that days job as I have not been paid for the last time that I worked for them. Just can't see why I should have to pay a company just so that they pay me for my hours worked, I work they get a cut of my wages, not on. If the agency wants to subcontract out their payroll it is them that should be paying for the 'priviledge' and not me.

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