
This will surely take the biscuit, yesterday we started off and had about 14 drops. The problem was that it was Redhil, Brighton followed by Redhill again. The lorrry wouldn't start so we spent an hour trying to find jump leads and get the thing going. Left Reading about an hour late and then it just got worse. Ended up being a 15 hour day with a promisse of an easier day today (20/01). I suppose I should have known better, today Redhill, Brighton & guildford. Similar amount of drops and another 13 hour day. Don't mind working longer but three things spring to mind and all are different.
  • Interview details of the job were totally different
  • Actual job being done is yet again different
  • Contract totally one sided with Company interest being the main priorities
This makes the job a total farse, nothing matches and nobody seems to give a damn about us, need to do some serious thinking as what I need to do next.

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