
Off the Wall

As I was watching the Remembrance Day services yesterday I couldn't help but get very angry as I saw the idiot that caused the deaths of our soldiers standing behind the leaders of the main parties. Old Tone was there, bold as brass and what I want to know is who invited him and how does he have the gal to show his face after causing this senseless 'War'. Being an ex squaddie I support out boys over there but I do not believe we should be there. If the Afganis want to shoot each other, fair play, give them the rifles and let them get on with it.

They are a bunch of unreliable, scheming and deceitful people who don't give a to## for anything and anyone, so why should our boys die for them. Gordon couldn't even get the name of one of the boys who died right when sending a letter to his family. The nonsense from Downing street is pitiable.

Lets get our boys out of there before many more loose their lives for a senseless cause.

May the ones who already paid the Supreme Sacrifice Rest in Peace.

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