
Here's food for thought. Applied for a Class1 job a few days ago via a web site newsletter. Today the recruiter called me and told me this. They are recruiting for a National Royal Mail contract and need drivers but as I'm already employed they couldn't second employ me so I would have to leave my present job and be employed by them. Only problem is that their contract is a 0 hour contract. You don't work you don't get paid. She also mentioned that they have more jobs than drivers so why she couldn't offer me an ad hoc job I don't know, but that is their policy.

She was quite happy to place me as a Class2 but as the pay is way below what I'm getting now it doesn't make sense to me to do this. They pay £8ph for day hours and £12ph night hours.

Seems to me that someone is either making a hell of a packet or the rates have seriously come down from last year as I was getting £9ph for Class2 work.

I've signed up to a few 'jobs by email' boards and lately they all seem to be chasing the same jobs over and over again. The Night Driver @ Heathrow has been making its rounds for almost a month and with different agencies, can't believe it hasn't been filled yet. This after some thought had me thinking that it could be s 'ghost' job.

We all or most of us use agencies at some time or other but trying to get a Class1 job they want to cross reference you either with the place that you worked or the agency that you worked for. The agency I'm happy to give them the name but the client's name is a nono as they would try to get themselves in there.

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